See How They Run

See How They Run
written by Philip King
The Rev. Lionel Toop and his bride, Penelope, live in the vicarage in a small English village in 1945. Penelope, an ex-actress, is expecting her uncle the Bishop to visit.Meanwhile an old actor friend, Clive, unexpectedly drops in to catch up with her. And who should spy on the reunion of these old friends?The spinster Miss Skillon who has always fancied the Vicar and believes Penelope is most unsuitable as a vicar’s wife.Throw in a naive maid, a visiting Reverend (Humphrey), an escaped Russian, an army sergeant on the hunt for the escapee,a touch of mistaken identity and you have a recipe for a night of hilarity.
Ida(the Maid) | Rochelle Nicolay |
Miss Skillon | Debbie Bedecs |
The Reverend Lionel Toop | Shannon Klatt |
Penelope Toop(his wife) | Colleen Easton |
Corporal Clive Winton | Doug Waldner |
The Intruder
John Bullis |
The Bishop of Lax | Mick O’Brien |
The Reverend Arthur Humphrey | Fred Perry |
Sergeant Towers | David Slykhuis |
Choir Boy | Katharine Waldner |
Leisa Grimes
Denise Decelle
Stage and Tech Crew
Will Elliott – Set and Design
Kevin Bryant – Lighting and Sound
Katharine Waldner – Stage Hand
Don Carter – Lots of Stuff
Jacqui Trytten