The Housewarming

Cornerstone Theatre

The Housewarming

The Housewarming

A musical by Jesse and Dianne Twietmeyer

In Ireland, a very large candle placed near the front window and lit on Christmas Eve servesas a symbol of welcome to Mary and Joseph who once sought shelter themselves. For centuries it has been a practice to set the kitchen table after the Christmas Eve meal with bread and milk and leave a candle in the window, thus extending hospitality to the Holy Family, to friends, and to wayward travelers on the road.

Setting: Christmas time, a small row-house in a sea-side community
in Northern Ireland


David Jones John Bullas
Wendy Jones Sally Bullas
Nick Stash Kevin MacKay
Krissy Blossom Gillian Maher
Rinty McNaghan David Slykhuis
Frank Nettles Fred Perry
Kathleen O’Leary Lisa Slykhuis
Mrs. McGinty Dean Albano
Mrs. McGonagal Craig Savill
Joe Paul Twietmeyer
Father Ted Ashton Lisitza
Vicar Fogarty Lane Easton
Mary Fogarty Dianne Twietmeyer
Vicars Children Emily Klatt
Calista Weiss
Mackenzie Easton
Mum/Caroler Dorothy Walker
Dad/Caroler Cliff Walker
Carolers Sarah Grimes
Marion Biramn
Teresa Fast
Al Mossing
Shirley Mossing


Jesse Twietmeyer


Desiree Dionne 

Stage Manager

Katharine Waldner 

Stage Crew

Will Elliott
Dianne Twietmeyer
Doug Waldner


Tina Twietmeyer
Katharine Waldner

Shelley Slykhuis

Terry Fraser-Bass
Michele Amy-Fiddle
Paul Twietmeyer
Junella Weiss-Piano
Justin Easton-Guitar




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