Category: Cornerstone

Cornerstone Theatre

Arr! Humbug!

Adapted by Doug Waldner Directed by Doug Waldner, Jesse Twietmeyer, Dianne Twietmeyer CAST Bob Cratchit Lauri Noble Briner Ebeneezer Scrooge Monte McNajughton Captain Jesse Twietmeyer First Mate Sophie Turk Mrs. Cratchit Erica Armstrong Coal Shoveller Lane Easton Marley Paul Twietmeyer Anne Bonney Meryle Cruywels Young Scrooge Meagan McAuley Young Scrooge’s Girlfriend Jessica Shirley Captain Morgan…
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Carol-2018 Music and Lyrics by Dianne Twietmeyer Jesse Twietmeyer Samantha Twietmeyer “Can’t Stop Tomorrow” by Clay Johnstone and Dianne Cast Cherry Mason Denise Singleton Lou Garth Herman Vendor A David Slykhuis Vendor B Brayden Hill Vendor C Lauri Noble Briner Anderson Lane Easton Phone #1 Kyle Bye Phone #2 Wendy McNaughton Phone #3 Phone #4…
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Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii

Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii by Allan Stratton Synopsis: An advice columnist, a nosy reporter, a doctor in panty hose, an orphan with a cake and an evil Russian physicist – oh what a farce! Cast: Doris Chisholm Donna Perala Vivian Bliss Joan Bue Edgar Chisholm Doug Waldner Bill Scant Fred Perry Peggy Scant Melanie…
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Moose Murders

No Information

We’ll Meet Again(1986)

No information


Heroes written by Ken Mitchell Synopsis: A satire on the superheroes of society. Cast Superman Shannon Klatt Lone Ranger Dwight Efford Tonto Brad Holt Lois Lane Heidi Munro Director Dianne Twietmeyer Technical Crew Marion Biram Linda Hawman Bram Bood Agnes Hewitt Set Construction Paul Twietmeyer Doug Waldner Chris Hansen Shannon Klatt

Will Someone Please Tell Me What’s Going On Here?

Will Someone Please Tell Me What’s Going On Here? written by Jim Lee Synopsis: A boring couple almost drive their spinster neighbour and a local cop around the bend in their suicidal attempts to create excitement in their dull marriage. Directed by Dianne Twietmeyer Cast Lucille Joanne Muldoon Harold Doug Waldner Florence Gwen Johnston Buckley…
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