Tag: 2010

Cornerstone Theatre

A Cornerstone Christmas Carol

A Cornerstone Christmas Carol Synopsis: Esmerelda Scrooge, a book store owner learns that life is much more enjoyable if it is shared with others. Cast Davd Slykhuis Esmerelda Scrooge Colleen Easton Sarah/Angie/Chorus Jesse Twietmeyer Jack Naomi Holter Denise/Chorus Fred Perry Ze Gheust of Christmas Pest McKenzie Easton Young Esmerelda Ashton Lisitza Jilted Boyfriend Lane Easton…
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We’ll Meet Again

We’ll Meet Again We’ll Meet Again is dedicated to all Canadian men and women who served their county during time of war.  Cast Michele Amy Bertha Isleifson Dean Albano Shannon Klatt Margaret Bell Naomi Holter Lori Brown Melanie Lemieux John Bullas Al Mossing Don Carter Shirley Mossing Linda Coffey Wendy Rounce Lane Easton Denise Singleton David…
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Out of Order

Out of Order by Ray Cooney Parliamentary procedure takes on a whole new meaning when conservative Richard, a government junior minister, plans to spend the evening in a London hotel with Jane, one of the opposition’s typists.  A conniving waiter, suspicious hotel manager, alert private detective, angry wife, furious husband, bungling secretary, unconscious nurse and…
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